Student Blogging Challenge Week 9

My dreams for the future are very big. I really want there to be no more violence, hatred, and war. If the world was peaceful and safe, everyone would be happy and joyful. To make that happen, I would hold peaceful protests and do good deeds, such as making a center for underprivileged kids, adults, and stray animals. We would take in homeless people and people who don’t have enough money to pay for medicine, food, drinks, and everything someone would need to survive. I would run for president so I could do even more for our country and world. I would take care of refugees by getting them healthy and giving them shelter and food. I might not be able to do everything that I want, but I will be sure to still do good things. I will try to make the world a better place.

6 thoughts on “Student Blogging Challenge Week 9

  1. Hey Ava
    It’s cool how you think that there shouldn’t be any violence on earth. The sad thing is, it’s just in our nature to have differing emotions about everything and they’re just isn’t any way to stop bad and mean things form happening on this earth. But we can at least help it get a little better I do believe that. Come check my blog out

    1. Dear Jacob,
      Thank you for responding to my story. I know we will never rid the world of bad things but every small detail counts. I would love to check out your blog.

  2. Hi Ava,
    I also think there should not be war between countries and people which basically prevents man-kind from Inventing and Making advances in technology if people are so invested in making advances in technology for war. I would also hold peaceful protests as well to keep peoples mind on saving this planet. If people would focus on making peace what do you think the world would be like. Come visit my blog at:

  3. Hi, my name is Rafael. I find this post very interesting. I think that making the world a better place will be a big challenge, but It can be possible. However, there will still be some bad things, such as war because people will still disagree or hate eachother for doing something. This is not a bad idea and which thing would you do first? Heres my blog:

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